Who We Are
ApostolicPentecostal.Com is an online community of Pentecostal pastors and leaders seeking to center their faith, life, and ministry on Jesus Christ. Our goals are to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, renew the church's spiritual life, engage our culture with the truth of the Christian faith, proclaim Jesus as Lord, and continue the Pentecostal revival.
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ApostolicPentecostal.Com has a private online community dedicated to forming the faith of 21st-century Penteoctals and preparing them to continue the Pentecostal Revival in an Apostolic Age. Membership is open to all who agree to follow the Community Guidelines.

ApostolicPentecostal.Com publishes an online blog with articles dedicated to presenting and defending the Apostolic Pentecostal Faith. Blog articles are open for public viewing and optimized for search engines.
Blog articles are posted in our community for feedback and discussion.

ApostolicPentecostal.com produces YouTube videos to accompany many blog articles and provide in-depth instruction in the Apostolic Pentecostal faith. Videos are open for public viewing and optimized for search engines. Videos are posted in our community for feedback and discussion.